Just as good beer cannot be brewed without good malt, chosen hop, high-quality water and the correct yeast, it also cannot be brewed without the presence of a professional brewer master.
Tallinnhas centuries long history in brewing beer. Yet, for some time the craft had left the town due economic and political reasons.
In the Middle Ages the town council set the rules for brewing and brewers, but also protected the interests of its own brewers, abolishing the sale of beer brewed anywhere else. Today this can only be a dream and the few small brewers of Tallinn must compete with all the large producers.

Through history Tallinn has had many breweries and up to a couple of hundreds of years ago, when the town was many times smaller, there were seven bigger brewers here that were actually even called factories. The most known of these were Pfaf (later Revalia) and Daugul breweries.
Before opening the Koch brewery there was only one brewer in town – Beerhouse with its German beers. Our aim now is to offer beer lovers different authentic Estonian beers and that is why the brewery has been equipped so that it could make different beers – both with bottom and top fermentation.
Although today most beers in the Nordic countries and in Estonia are lagers fermented with bottom yeast, hundreds of years ago the beers brewed here were only fermented with surface yeast, because the method of lager beer preparation was not known yet.
The aim of Koch brewery is to offer its clients beers that differ from the relatively similar selection of the mass producton beers of large breweries. For that we use different raw produce and yeast that give our beer its special characteristics. Yet, we do not pasteurize, heat or sterile filtrate our beers, since these processes make the beer lifeless and sterile. The beers of Koch are fresh and alive and filled with different vitamins. In brewing the beers in Koch brewery we follow the beer purity law or Reinheitsgebot, passed in Germany as long ago as in 1516.
If used moderately, beer is a curative drink. It includes a large amount of much-needed B-group vitamins, which regulate the nerve system metabolism, help retain skin elasticity and help hematopoiesis. Only one glass of beer gives the amount of vitamin B that meets the normal daily need. Koch’s self-brewed beers have not been filtrated or pastorized, which leaves them “alive” and enables the beer to keep all the vitamins.
Contrary to widespread myth beer is relatively low in calories: there are fewer calories in beer than in the same amount of milk or juice, not to mention Coca-Cola or other sugary soft drinks. Also, beer has relatively fewer calories than wine or stronger alcoholic drinks.
The taste of beer derives from hop that is an also useful and even used as a heeling herb. So, drink to your health! But drink in moderation!
- Beer contains polyphenols – antioxidants – from malt. Therefore, similarly to red wine, beer is good in preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
- Beer is rich in potassium and poor in sodium, which gives it diuretic effect.
- Beer is also rich in magnesium and poor in calcium, which makes it preventinve concerning cardiac diseases and the formation of gall- or kidney stones.
- Research has shown that the blood pressure of people that drink beer moderately is lower than that of teetotals or people who are not moderate in drinking.
Yet, it must be kept in mind that in case of misusing beer, the alcohol may become harmful.
- There are more than 2000 different compounds in beer that derive from malt, hop, yeast and water.
- Hop has a calming effect and is also known to increase appetite.
- Malt gives beer carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, micro-nutrients, organic acids, and vitamins. One litre of beer covers almost half the daily magnesium, 40% of phosphor and 20% of potassium need of an adult. Magnesium lowers cholesterol levels. Phosphates are important for bones and teeth.
- The protein-content of beer is relatively low, but still the drink contains almost all important amino acids.
- Beer includes all important B-group vitamins as well as vitamins A, D and E. One litre of beer covers up to half of daily vitamin B need. Since yeast binds many vitamins it is useful to drink unfiltered beer that contains yeast.
- The carbon dioxide found in beer gives it a good refreshing effect.
- More than 90% of beer is water. The daily water need of a person is 2-3 litres. Part of this could be covered by beer.
- The alcohol found in beer is a rich energy source.
- Beer clenches thirst, raises appetite, fosters digestion, and has a calming and lulling effect. It has also diuretic effect.
You can read more about Koch Brewery from here!